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Learning to Do.

Doing to Learn.

Earning to Live.

Living to Serve.

Yuba City High School Agricultural Education embraces formal instruction, experiential learning, and student leadership. 

FFA Emblem

Yuba City High School offers career pathways in Agricultural Mechanics, Animal Science, Agriscience, and Floriculture. Students have a multitude of certification opportunities, preparing them to immediately contribute to our community and succeed in the agriculture industry. Courses meet high school graduation requirements and most are A-G approved. 


The Supervised Agricultural Experience program allows students to "learn by doing" in a variety of atmospheres. Students have projects ranging from tree crops to livestock and power systems. There are multiple school-based enterprises which provide work based learning at YCHS. Student success can be seen at the Yuba-Sutter Fair, the Sierra Buttes Section Project Competition and in FFA Degrees awarded. 


Yuba City FFA is a student-led organization with officers elected annually as well as an Agricultural Leadership class. Activities include monthly chapter meetings, social activities, community service, competitions and leadership conferences. Many students serve above the chapter including our past and present Section, Region and State Officers. 

Meet the staff

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